
Guiding Principles

As Chicago institutions and entities committed to using data to achieve better early childhood outcomes, we agree to the following guiding principles that describe the human capital, commitment, and effort it takes to translate the data into meaningful policy and practice change.


Pursue greater visibility into the needs and experiences of all children birth through five in Chicago.


Use data as a powerful tool to achieve more equitable outcomes for children, and more equitable distribution of resources where they are needed most.


Ensure that the voices of communities and families are integrated into the effort throughout, from informing the measures selected, the collection of data, to creation of research agendas, to governance, to usage.


Build trust in a data governance model with well-defined roles and decision-making protocols, as well as clear and transparent processes for ingesting, analyzing, and sharing data with stakeholders.


Ensure data are made available to all early childhood stakeholders, including families, program administrators, funders, advocates and policy-makers, in ways that are most valuable to them.


Establish a clear and transparent delineation of what data, statistics, and findings can be shared publicly to the extent allowable under state and federal law.


Leverage the latest technology to allow greater real-time access to data across the system in forms that are accessible and actionable.


Build data literacy and analytic capacity, at all levels, to contextualize information and identify root causes of inequities.


Promote use of data for continuous quality improvement to track outcomes and achieve goals and support policy and practice priorities

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